
The purpose of the project:
Promotion and support of traditional and innovative kinds of Arts.

The project moves to the address Thanks you for support, interest and even for criticism. We wait for you to the new address!!!
The project is at a stage of creation and search of partners. Therefore we shall be glad to dialogue with you. The project develops and under construction on the following principles:
  • The project operates as an electronic exhibition of author's works.
  • Electronic images of pictures, photos are placed on a site free-of-charge as agreed with the author, or under his request.
  • The responsibility for reliability of the data and quality of images are carried behind itself by the author.
  • Terms of accommodation of images and information on the author are defined separately in each concrete case.
  • Images transferred by the author for exhibiting can be used by the project for other purposes, without the coordination with the author. But at the instruction on authorship.
  • Placing images on a site of the project, the author agrees with principles of the project.
Accommodation of images and information on the author occurs after negotiations on            .
New the authors, new the paintings, new design!!!
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