
The purpose of the project:
Promotion and support of traditional and innovative kinds of Arts.

Sarah Rogers Coulombes love for music and life come through in the compositions of her mixed media paintings.  They command the viewers attention because they capture creative thought with deep meaning and emotion.

As engaging as her paintings are, the viewers can only draw on their own inner spirits to decide on a conclusion.

Coulombes paintings are captivating in that each one omits a radiant glow almost as if each painting itself were covered by glass.  Her tendency to make the paper or canvas shimmer is what brings to her work its trademark pristine quality.

Coulombes main interests are love and the spirit and everything that goes with it, such as music, art, and literature.  Sometimes her words will make their way onto the canvas or paper she is working on and highlight what the painting had meant to her.

Coulombe has a BA from the University of New Hampshire, where she studied drawing, guitar, and piano.
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